Friday, June 29, 2012


Our Minnesota Twins rain-out game from April 28 was being played this weekend, so we headed up to the Cities for the night.  Since I worked the race last weekend, I had a comp day so I was able to take Friday off. Adam went to a teacher planning meeting in the morning, then I headed to the salon to use my massage/manicure gift certificate from Mother's Day and get a haircut. It was lovely spending a few hours getting pampered! Adam had delivered Ryan to his parents, so we hit the PR buffet for a late lunch, then got on the road. We stopped for an appointment with our financial advisor, then traveled on to check in at the Hilton in West Bloomington (great deal on Hotwire).

We did some shopping for Adam at Kohl's and then, since I was starving (when am I not?), made a run for Olive Garden. Our entrees weren't anything spectacular, but I highly recommend the Bella Limonata drink and the Dolcini mini-desserts (chocolate mousse and dark chocolate caramel). To walk off our meal, we headed up France Ave. to Centennial Lakes Park. We've been here several times to walk around the pond/golf on the putting course, but since it was almost dark, we just walked around the lake. It seems to have expanded quite a bit since our last visit and it was a good 1.5 mile route with beautiful landscaping. I highly recommend this green oasis in the City!

On Saturday, I slept in until after 8...possible the best thing about vacation...then we packed up and headed to Perkins for a late breakfast. Even though I'd tried to stave off the hunger with crackers in the morning, I still got sick before breakfast. But, I felt better after some toast, eggs, and hashbrowns. I ran into one of my colleagues here, which was funny since I know about 3 people who live in the City and we happen to be at the same restaurant at the same time!

We did a bit of quick shopping at Southdale and then it was time to head to the game!

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