Friday, June 8, 2012

Moosejaw and Buffalo Phil's

 There are many fun places to eat in the Wisconsin Dells, but none came more highly recommended by my co-workers than MooseJaw, so we went there on Tuesday, our first night in town.  Ryan loved the Moose on the delivery car and was fascinated by all the taxidermy inside.  I had the Beer Cheese soup and we shared a Pepperoni pizza. It was excellent and Ryan ate 4 slices! He was being pretty silly with his moose antlers on!  My parents brought him back there a few days later and apparently it was more melt-down than meal on that visit, but I would highly recommend this restaurant to families on vacation!

Friday night was the other night I had available so we went to another kid-friendly restaurant that was recommended to us called Buffalo Phil's. It turns out to be very similar to MooseJaw in decor, head gear, and delivery car-topped-by-animal, so it was either owned by the same people or there was a serious Hatfield vs. McCoy type feud going on. As a side note, I'd probably watch the mini-series Moosejaw vs. Buffalo Phil's a bit quicker than the bloody battle of H vs. McC. Just sayin', History Channel.

Anyway, the special feature of this restaurant is that in one of the rooms, the food and drinks are delivered by train! Ryan loved watching the train go by our booth and I was surprised it only suffered one de-railment.
Ryan had a taco and I had a delicious bowl of Chicken Tortilla Soup and cheese enchiladas, but they serve much more than Mexican. I also tried their homemade grape soda, but it turned out I still wanta Fanta instead.

This isn't a great picture, but I loved all the cowboy boots on the mantel, the long-horn steer and the full-size buffalo on a high shelf (because we all know you don't put stuffed buffalo down where the kiddies can touch them--makes their fur oily).

 After the meal, Ryan liked looking around at all the "pretend" aka dead animals and like sitting on yet another arcade game sans quarters.

Other than these restaurants, Ryan just got to eat at Arby's on the drive up (did you know they serve Kraft Macaroni and Cheese?), McDonald's one lunch with Grandpa and Grandma (he LOVED the penguin train toy from his Happy meal) and Culver's on the way home (epic fail--ate nothing).  Otherwise, they had sandwiches and breakfast in the room. I'm sure there are many other great family dining options in the Dell's, but these were the two we tried and we highly recommend both!

1 comment:

  1. We have to go to the train restaurant sometime. Lincoln would love it! (Although he'd probably be too interested in the train to actually eat anything.)

    Also, we've been to McDonald's twice during the Madagascar promotion with the kids begging for the train toy, but alas, we have only gotten the other junky ones that don't do anything. :op
