Friday, June 15, 2012

Relay for Life

Adam's mom watched Ryan on Friday afternoon when Adam took off for the College World Serices with his dadd and when I came home from weork, we decided to head over to the track for the Relay for Life event. We talked to a few people, Ryan played a few games for prizes, and painted a suncatcher. Then, we listened to the Opening Ceremony. Sue is a 21-year cancer survivor, so she went and walked the Survivor lap, then we grabbed some supper from the concession stand.  Ryan exclaimed "They have everything I want!" (i.e. hot dogs, Cheetos, ice cream)

Ryan was anxious to "race on the track" so we headed out to take a few laps. He ran/walked at leat 5 laps and I think his "racing" stance put a few smiles on people's faces (although he obviously did NOT want his picture taken!)
We are thankful for Sue's triumph over cancer and are grateful for this event that raises money for a good cause. It was also a fun activity and gave us some good exercise!

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