Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ryan's Weekend

While Adam and I were in Minneapolis, Ryan had a great time with Grandpa and Grandma.  Here are a few highlights:

Having a water fight with Grandpa and trying out the slip-n-slide.

Learning how to ride a Big Wheel.

First corn-on-the-cob of the season (I'm jealous!)
 On Saturday, he got to attend Grandpa and Grandma's church campout where he played games (and got really dirty!) He found $1.40 in change in the "find coins in the sandbox" game and won a little trophy in the Egg Toss game! He was very proud.

One funny story was that he had a hard time going down for a nap one day, coming out multiple times with all the normal excuses. Finally, he tried a new one, "Grandma, Daddy just texted me and said I don't have to take a nap."  She either thought that was a good enough excuse, or was just tired from attempting to get him down for 1.5 hours, but she didn't make him take a nap after that! :)

 He had a great time and seemed a little disappointed to see us on Saturday night! Thanks for a great time, Grandpa and Grandma!

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