Saturday, July 14, 2012

Summerfest 2012

This weekend was Summerfest in my hometown of Hull. On Friday, Adam and I went to the Little Theater production with Abbie and Wade. We were impressed by the great acting and singing from local kids and hope to bring Ryan to see the show when he's a little older.

On Saturday morning, we went to the carnival for a little while. Ryan won prizes at the beanbag toss and duck pond and tried out a bouncy house for the first time! He has refused in the past and was tentative this time, but we waited until there weren't very many kids in it and then he had a great time!

After lunch at my parents, it was time for the big parade.  It was very hot, but Ryan had a good time with Grandpa and Grandma, Abbie, and Saylor. He didn't like the sirens, but liked seeing the firetrucks, tractors, and a few of the colorful floats.

He had great strategy for maximum candy collection, including jumping up and down and waving.

 His loot included more than just candy...a frisbee, coozie, cheese sticks, bottle of water, key chains, Mr. Freeze and a first aid kit were all part of the day's handouts. He could barely carry his bag when it was time to pack up!

I'm pretty sure his candy will last until the next major candy holiday (Halloween) and we plan to use it for potty training bribery.  The bonbons don't really stand a chance of making it to Ryan fact 2 packs are gone already.
Thanks to the town of Hull and all the volunteers who make it a great weekend for kids!

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