Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Weekly Update

I've been as consistent as the MN Twins lately in getting blog posts up, so here's a quick list of excuses/updates on what we've been up to.

Adam: Football, Football, Football...oh and school started too.  NWC FB camp started on Aug. 12 with a big potluck and then it was an intense week of 3-a-day practices. Adam is coaching the Offensive Line this year at his college Alma Mater and is excited about the Raider program! Today (Wed) was the first day of school and he's looking forward to his 2nd year teaching 8th grade Literature. Maybe the Kindle Fire he now uses has something to do with it, but he's really enjoyed reading lately and liked "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand as much as my mom and I did.

Ryan: After many fun "Grandma" and "Juliana" days mixed in with "Daddy" days, he is back at his daycare. He made a good transition and does enjoy playing there, although he'll miss the older kids when they are in school during the day. Here's a few highlights of the past week:
  • playing with neighbor kids at the "green park"
  • walking the Puddle Jumper trail to throw rocks and sticks in the pond
  • baking bars with me for a FB player's birthday (Adam said 2 guys ate all 12 in an hour)
  • holding the umbrella, then running around the wet bleachers at a NWC scrimmage
  • playing in the sandbox with Saylor
  • playing trains with 4 boys (sons of my cousins) 
  • coming up with many "great new ideas" or "really fun games" which usually involve someone getting tackled--Daddy, Mommy, or Nika.
  • catching moths with his bare hands
  • discovering that almost all of the 3T pants I bought for him are too tight in the tummy! 
  • "reading books" by himself in his new bed every night (sometimes for over an hour!)
  • singing "Little Bunny Foo Foo" for Abbie and Wade
  • setting up his farm animals and zoo animals daily and building new Lego Zoos
  • finding a golf ball when he went on a "treasure hunt" with his daycare mom
  • getting a much-needed haircut
  • after a long "peanut butter on bread" for every breakfast streak, he's now moved on to Froot Loops
  • searching for dropped coins everywhere so he can put them in his new piggy bank (he found $0.53 at the scrimmage this week)
  • having some really successful days followed by really unsuccessful days in the potty training department. So frustrating!  
  • getting hit in the forehead with a metal bat at daycare but coming through it pretty unscathed
  • telling really long complicated stories that I'm sure are 90% pure fabrication, but it's fun to get a glimpse into his imagination
  • asking often about the baby (who he now thinks is a girl) and referring to it as "my baby sister who is in mommy's tummy but the doctor is going to help get her out but not for a long long long time like when it snows at Christmas"
  • starting to talk about his far his vote is for a "football cake" and his #1 gift request is "more farm animals"

Courtney: The pregnancy is going well even with most of the discomforts continuing and a lot more tiredness than I remember from the first time (maybe because I have a toddler to chase now?) I've also become a bit desperate in the wardrobe department and will need to make some more shopping trips to either friends or stores soon unless y'all want to see me in the same 4 shirts for the rest of the fall. Ugh.  I've been busy lately with a few work projects and trying to get used to having to leave right at 5:00 to pick up Ryan.  We usually have a good chunk of time home together before Adam is finished with football so I'm figuring out how to spend quality time with him and still have something (ANYTHING) prepared for supper. I have to admit that by the time Ryan goes to bed, I am exhausted. Does this mean I go to bed early or even on time? Rarely. I have been trying to work on getting Ryan's digital photo albums caught up and almost have 2 more books ready to purchase as soon as Winkflash has a flat-rate book sale, but discovering that if I keep up the 4 months/50-pg book pace I'm on, he's going to need a library by the time he graduates from High School. I'm only up to July 2011 but trying to work on it diligently with the goal of being caught up through his 3rd birthday before the baby arrives in December. Hold me to that!  I've also been working on some of my show choir songs since our first practice is in about 3 weeks. Yikes! I am so not ready or in shape for that! Staying up way too late on the computer, like it's now off to bed!

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