Monday, October 15, 2012

Weekend Update

Friday night we hosted about 2 dozen of the Offensive Linemen/Tightends. Want to know how much they eat? Three crockpots of chili, one crockpot of vegetable beef soup, 1.5 boxes of crackers, 8 cups of shredded cheese, 4 dozen BBQ pork buns, 4 gallons of lemonade, and 2.5 pans of bars. Ryan was SO excited to have all the Raiders at his house. He was showing them all his Spiderman car, challenging them to tackle, and asking where their helmets were. They guys did a great job of humoring Ryan and they appreciated the meal.

Saturday Adam and the guys left at 5:20am for their football game, and unfortunately, ended up losing by 1 point. That must have been a long bus ride back from Seward, NE and he didn't get home until a little before 9:00.  Meanwhile, I dropped Ryan off for a fun day with Adam's parents while I had show choir practice. Practice went well, even though it lasted 5.5 hours, but my quads have been SO sore since then that I seriously have trouble walking. I guess when I choreographed tons of lunges, I forgot I would be teaching it with a built-in 25 lb. medicine ball. It's pathetic, but I actually had to alternate warm baths with ice packs just to be able to navigate stairs and/or stand up from any seated position.

In addition to all the fun toys and playdoh at Grandpa and Grandma's, Ryan also took a trip to Pumpkinland with them. On Saturday, they had a model train display that Ryan was enthralled with. He did help pick out a pumpkin and got to hold the kitties again, but his favorite thing was...pony rides! This was his first time ever riding on a pony or horse and apparently he loved it! He had a fun day and finally crashed a little before 4:00...and crashed hard.  At 6:00 I had to carry him from his bed to the van so we could make it to supper on time. We met my parents, Abbie, Wade, and Saylor at Los Tulipanes to celebrate my mom and sisters' birthdays. We always have good food there, even if the kids get restless, and it was fun to spend time together.

Sunday morning brought another milestone for Ryan. Since he's now 3, he got to go to the new "Sunday School" class at church (held during church) instead of the 0-2 year old nursery. He did great transitioning and had a great time playing, singing songs, and making a craft. From the craft, I'm guessing they learned about Joseph, but he gave us a big sermon about OBEYING God AND your mom & dad. Hope that one sinks in...soon.

It took over 2 hours for him to go down for a nap on Sunday, but once he crashed, he crashed hard again and woke up 15 minutes before we had to leave for Small Group. We are joining a new Small Group at church and enjoyed meeting the other couples and their kids on Sunday night.

After a busy weekend, I headed to bed early (and iced my aching legs again). The weekends go so fast lately, but it makes waiting for the baby pass more quickly too. I am trying to soak in these last few months with just Ryan at home because I know life is about to change!

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