Monday, November 5, 2012

Baseball Picture Project

For Ryan's baseball-themed room, I found a poster on Pinterest with a great quote and the perfect red and navy colors, so I bought it from Clingspiration:

Then I made 8x10" prints of both of my grandfathers' baseball teams--my dad's dad's high school team from 1945-1946 and my mom's dad's town All-Star team from 1948, both from Hull, IA.  I just scanned 5x7 prints on our printer/scanner, enhanced them using Picasa, and ordered them from Winkflash.  I'm sure a professional could have made them even nicer, but they were fine for my purposes.

I picked out two of the wooden 8x10 frames I've picked up from garage sales and bought an inexpensive 11x14 frame from Walmart and painted all three of them using the leftover navy paint from Ryan's room.  It took one coat of primer and three coats of paint using a sponge brush, but I like the way the navy matches the rest of this room.

Here is the final project:

And here it is hanging above the bed:
I'm going to work on a full post of Ryan's baseball room next, so stay tuned for a full tour of his room!

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