Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

After a productive morning at home we headed to Hull early to see my sister's family before our Christmas party. Cohen was rocking the reindeer jammies once again.

Cousins Emily and Lincoln (who looks a little skeptical)

Cousin Emily
Aunt Megan
 Then, we headed to the bank to have supper with my dad's side of the family. We had lots of great food and fun seeing so many family members. I failed to get any organized pictures, but don't worry, Cohen did not have trouble finding a willing pair of aunt's or cousin's arms to be held.

Jace, Ryan and Emily eating more appetizers (cheese and crackers) than supper.

Ryan's racetrack was a hit with many of the cousins.  Emily, Jory, Jace, Lincoln, Carter, and Ryan.

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