Friday, December 14, 2012

Going Home

Friday was our last day in the hospital. It was a little longer than usual because technically Cohen was supposed to be observed for 48 hours since I was Group B Strep Positive and only had time to receive one of the two required doses of antibiotics. But, they said they wouldn't make us stay that late, so we just planned to go home after supper.  Adam and I spent another day hanging out and getting to know our little one while meeting with the doctors, nurses, and consultants.

Ryan's daycare provider's family stopped by in the evening and then by the time we'd had supper, we were ready to head home. My parents came up with Ryan and helped get everything packed up and vehicles rearranged. We decided to dress Cohen in his reindeer fleece for the ride home.
We took a family picture to put up on the hospital's bulletin board. When Ryan hadarrived at the hospital, he was sooo sleepy after a second big day at Grandma's and falling asleep in the van on the ride over. But, he soon perked up and was full of it by the time we were ready to leave.

We got home by 6:45 and just hung out while Ryan played tackle with Adam. Ryan was great at showing Cohen his new room, getting a toy for him, and volunteering to give him his blankets and stuffed animals. He has been really sweet and not jealous so far, so we hope this continues!

The first night, as expected, was a little rough with neither of us getting much sleep since Ryan, uncharacteristically, woke up during the night complaining of his legs hurting.  Cohen woke up about every 2 hours and I am still having a hard time keeping him awake to finish eating. He also has lots of dirty diapers (we're talking at least 6/day which is unusual for a 2-day old) but we're grateful everything seems to be in fine working order and we are looking forward to finding a new routine now that we're home.

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