Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Basketball Game

On Tuesday night, all four of us headed to the MOC-FV vs. Sioux Center basketball game. I should learn my lesson to never put on my "final" shirt until right before we leave, and once again, Cohen spit up on my last clean purple shirt right before we left. Such is life. We arrived by the 4th quarter of the girls' game and made it all the way through the boys game. It was an exciting last few minutes, but the Dutch pulled out the W.  It is always so hard to find a seat and instead of being crowded with the carseat and everything, we opted for the corner on the visitor's side. Ryan did a great job at this game and didn't even pull out the ipod or the Skittles until late in the boys game.  Cohen did great sleeping through most of the game and Adam keeping him happy the last quarter by patting his back.

It was a late night, getting to bed at 10 on a school night, but Cohen ended up having his best night ever, sleeping from 11:00-5:30am and then again from 6:00-8:30am. Unfortunately, this didn't mean I got to sleep in a ton because we were supposed to have some workmen show up at our house at 8:00 so I got all ready much earlier than usual. Of course, it's now 10:00am and there is no sign of them, so I guess I'll just sit around and wait. So frustrating when I have to plan so carefully around Cohen's sleeping/eating schedule and have lots of errands to run and here I sit having no idea how long it will be until they show up. Oh well, at least I finally got some blogging done!

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