Saturday, April 20, 2013

Weird Week

It was a weirdest weather week I've ever seen in April this week along with some other events, so here's  quick rundown.

Monday 4/15: The Boston Marathon was tragically struck by a bombing near the finish line. I learned about it watching the TV in the waiting room at the Doctor's office. As the events unfolded over the next few days, we watched each day as one suspect was killed and another captured. I followed the "news" on twitter which is not the most reliable, but I was struck by how the prevalence of technology likely sped this investigation more than any other major event in history. On a happier note, I brought my birthday treats to work this day and got rave reviews for my Ever-So-Moist Chocolate Cake with Fluffy Peanut Butter Frosting. (Ryan enjoyed the Sour Cream Chocolate Frosting I used to frost one of the cakes.)

Tuesday 4/16: Today was the 2nd Anniversary of my 30th Birthday.  Adam's mom graciously watched the boys while we used a gift certificate at Blue Mountain. It was nice to have some uninterrupted conversation time, but I'm sure Adam got sick of me talking about "Big Data" and guest segmentation :)  Adam had Spring Ball practice at 5:30 in the morning in sub-40-degree temps, so maybe that glazed look didn't have so much to do with my boring explanation of data matrices. My mom also stopped by with my cards and a yummy ice cream cake!

Wednesday 4/17: It was our 9th Anniversary but we didn't have plans to go out since Adam was supposed to have football practice. However, it snowed and was generally miserable weather, so we all stayed home and at
e leftover cheeseburger pie for our anniversary meal. Romantic, I know. At least we still had some leftover cake!

Thursday 4/18: Snow had been predicted but it was still hard to see it coming down all day. School let out at 12:30 due to the weather and it was a sloppy wet mess of a snow day. I came home to major toddler drama as Ryan had hit and kicked another child and then refused to apologize. Adam didn't want to waster their time any more so he took Ryan home until he was ready to say sorry (this took about 45 minutes) and then brought him back over. I guess the apology went well because he came home laughing. It's hard to see your child be the "bully" and you just want to "fix" it for them. We're hoping he learned his lesson and will have a better week next week.

Friday 4/19: I headed off to work and Adam had a late start due to the ice. By late morning, school had been called off, so instead of my mom coming to watch the boys, they got to spend the day with Adam. At night, we headed to Hawarden to attend the visitation of Adam's sister-in-law's grandma and then ate at Los Tulipanes. Ryan was pretty excited that he got to have Juliana over and we were impressed to find both boys in bed when we got home! 

Saturday 4/20: We spent the morning getting the house cleaned for Cohen's baptism party and headed to Sibley in late morning for Mike & Lisa's baby shower. Ryan had a great time playing with Kenley and Grant! Ryan only napped for a few minutes and then we was eager to help me frost Cohen's cake. That went about as well as expected, so Adam took the boys to his parents while I finished up the cake. I joined them for supper and we were happy that Adam's grandparents from Minnesota had made it and got to meet Cohen for the first time. Ryan loved talking about the zoo with Andy and Kim and we definitely need to make plans to visit this summer!

So, our weird April week included a bombing, birthday, anniversary, snow day, visitation, baby shower, and ended with a baptism!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you ate cheeseburger pie for your anniversary. I hope it was the anniversary of never eating it again.
