Sunday, October 27, 2013

Emily's 7th Birthday

 Ryan was beyond excited to make a trip to Emily and Lincoln's house for Emily's birthday. My mom rode along with the boys and me and the trip up went fine after stopping at the 1 McDonalds on Hwy 3. It was a nice day for the kids to play in the leaves and on the swingset. We also made a trip to Duo's for ice cream or coffee.

Emily even showed us her Halloween costume.

On Sunday, we went to church at Orchard Hill and Ryan got to go to Sunday School with Lincoln where they all got little noisemakers to act out the Battle of Jericho. I'm guessing a non-parent decided on that take-home. :)

We ate a yummy lunch and then Emily got to open her presents. She was so polite in thanking everyone for her gifts and even let the boys help her open some of her gifts.

Then, we all had cake (and Ryan had frosting). Emily had made some great decorations from the party, some with the help of Anjelka. They are the host family for Anjelka, an international student who goes to Wartburg, and it was fascinating to talk to her. She is also great with kids (not so common for an engineering major)!

After hugs and good-byes, we headed home again. I was alone with the boys on the way home and it took 3 stops (including one at Casey's where I needed gas, had to go to the bathroom, and had to change Cohen...eeek!) and a lot longer, but we made it. We had a great weekend and Ryan asks all the time when we can go back.  Thanks for hosting us and Happy Birthday, Emily!

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