Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fire Station and Flu Shots

We went to the firestation for supper only to find out that the fire trucks had been called out right before we got there. We actually passed them on our way as they stood flashing in front of Colenbrander Hall for what looked like more of a minor cooking problem than a big emergency. Luckily, they got back to the station before we left so Ryan could check them out.

After supper, we asked tricked Ryan if he wanted to go see the birds and fish at the Doctor's office. He always asks to go see them when we go for walks by the office and was excited to learn they were "open" that night.  It was only when he walked around the aquarium and saw Adam with his shirt sleeve up did he realize that our real mission was the family flu shot clinic.  Ryan coached Cohen through the shot telling him to be brave and that it wouldn't hurt, but when it was time for his own, he started thrashing and wailing. It was over quickly and a sticker and sucker took his mind off it, but it was pretty funny to hear him describe later how "brave" he was.

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