Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ryan's Birthday Celebration...continued

Since his party was long over (he was already talking about his 5-year-old party), I thought Ryan's actual birthday might be a little anti-climactic. Adam was scheduled to be gone the whole evening of his birthday, so we made a trip to de zoete winkel (fro-yo shop) the night before. A special surprise was getting to play "Happy  Birthday" on the jukebox.

 Walking back to our house, Cohen and Ryan played their favorite game: Ryan runs ahead of the stroller, then suddenly turns around and lets the stroller run into him. It makes Cohen laugh so hard!

On Birthday morning, we started with chocolate chip muffins served on "the red plate,"and a few cards he hadn't opened yet.  He brought treats to his pre-school class and was more than proud of his birthday crown.

 (Don't worry, Blair, it's your turn next week!)

I think Ryan really enjoyed his birthday this year and is looking forward to Emily's party coming up!

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