Saturday, November 30, 2013

November Photo Update

Since a busy fall and a often-uncooperative laptop (which was replaced by a Black Friday online purchase) made blogging consistently a little more difficult, here are some other random pictures from the month.

Cohen loving finger foods, especially the multi-grain Tasteeos that an elderly man recommended to me in Fareway

Ryan and I did an experiment on absorbtion where you put a dot of marker on a paper towel and then watch the water travel up the paper towel. We also made a color wheel by mixing colored water.
While Adam put up Christmas lights, Ryan played with his remote control cars on the deck and decided this one needed fixing.

Ryan's daycare person was sick one day (a few days after my boys had it...sorry!) so I ended up taking a day off work. By 8:30am, Ryan had already drawn a picture for her to make her feel better. Can you tell he considers himself and Cohen as part of their family?
When we were home that day, I told Ryan that if he helped me clean out our out-of-control junk drawer by sorting out all the pens, pencils, Pizza Ranch wagons, keys, and coins, he could keep whatever money he found. I was out about $12 by the time we were done! 
Cohen loves helping with the laundry but he's usually pulling the clothes out. This time he decided to crawl in and just relax for a few minutes.

Ryan still likes wearing the Mickey Ears some lady gave him on the bus at Disney this summer. He asks almost weekly when we can go back to "Disney Junior".

We hung out at a NWC women's bball game one night to watch Saylor's Aunt Whitney play. Ryan always has fun with Saylor and her cousin Sage.

Over Thanksgiving break, we put up a tree in the basement and had a movie night (Tin Tin).

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