Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Day 2013

 For Thankgiving, we headed to Sioux Center to Adam's parents for his dad's side of the family. The boys were excited to spend time with Uncle Andy and Aunt Kim again!

Cohen showing off his "Eat Pizza" shirt, passed down from a fellow Pizza Rancher.
Photo Bombed by Ry-Guy
 After a delicious lunch of all the traditional foods: turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, cheesy potatoes, green been casserole, corn, sweet potatoes, stuffing, fruit, jello, the kids were getting restless so they headed outside. Braving the cold, the quickly tired of frisbee, so we set them to running races against each other.
Ryan (age 4) and Kenley (age 4.5)
Running with Chase, Isaac, and Kenley
After warming up inside, they were ready for a traditional game of Bingo. This is always fun because Adam's aunt and cousin wrap a bunch of little gifts for the adults and then have one specific gift for each kid. That way, whenever they get BINGO, they get their gift and we keep playing until everyone gets one. Once everyone has one, we play for the remaining gifts. They can range from a box of kleenex to a theater box of candy. Ryan got a foam ABC puzzle and flashcards and Cohen got a little truck which they were thrilled with.

The adults usually end up playing a giant game of "Nerts". We traditionally play in partners/couples, but played singles this year with about 9 people. I was secretly glad not to play in couples since the winner had about 110 points and Adam was dead last with 20 points :) I ended up somewhere in the middle.

After some football watching and the kids playing together, we headed to my parents for a light supper and fun hanging out with my sisters and their families. The kids had a blast just chasing each other around and playing various games (most invented by Emily).  This one, though, we think was Saylor's idea:

We had a great day celebrating with both sides of our families and I was very thankful to have taken Friday off to recover.

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