Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve morning, the boys went to daycare for a few hours in the morning so we could keep some sort of routine for them and allow Adam and I to finish a bunch of tasks like wrapping their presents, packing suitcases, etc. We had grand plans to go out for breakfast but De Koffie Hoek is apparently closed on Christmas Eve, so we ended up having coffee at Hallmark.

At night, we headed to Hull for the big Boote gathering. First, we met at church for an all-family picture for my grandma's upcoming 85th birthday. With 46 of us (Grandma, her 6 living children +spouses, 16 grandchildren+spouses and 10 great-grandchildren, plus 2 on the way), it was nothing short of a miracle that the photographer (my HS classmate, April) captured this photo:

Here is my dad (bottom right) and his siblings with my grandma.

After a successful photo session, we all headed to the bank for lots of food and fellowship.

Juliana and Cohen

Jace, Lincoln, Ryan
Good luck keeping socks on this guy.

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