Friday, December 27, 2013

Mol Christmas

Great Grandpa and Grandma Mol
On Friday night, we went to the Mol family Christmas for a few hours before heading to Minneapolis for the night. Here are a few snapshots of our night.

In the toybox (honestly safer than wandering underfoot)
Zebra and zebra blanket from Great Aunt Stacy and Jackie. Ryan LOVES his "lizardy" too.

Step us, I'm a stair...
...sit down, I'm a chair! (Made by Great Grandpa)

Ethan joins the toybox

Comforting Adlyr after she got rug-burn on her stomach from sliding down the stairs :)

Danielle, sour puss, Adlyr (tummy still hurts)

Chillin' with Jared
Reading "Are you my Mother?" from Great Grandpa and Grandma

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