Thursday, December 19, 2013

Preschool Christmas Program

Today was the last day of preschool until 2014 so the 3/4-yr old class put on a little show of some songs they've been working on. When I arrived, the kids were all lined up taking pictures in their Santa hats, but Ryan ran right into my arms with a "MOMMY!" and a huge smile. It was awesome.  He quickly got back in line and once everyone was there, they did all their songs.

I loved when Ryan would catch me watching him during the song and he'd smile really big and wave at me before continuing. 

Afterwards, they ate some cookies and I got a quick photo with his teachers.

Then, he was ready to pack up his bag and go back to daycare to show everyone his hat and the book he got as a gift from his teachers. He was also anxious to get back since it was "present day" at daycare. Both boys got perfect gifts from our wonderful daycare provider (of course, she knows them pretty much as well as we do) and it was a great day!

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