Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cardboard Projects

Ryan and I looked through my Pinterest Board of "Kid Stuff" and he picked out this project:

Label 15 Hot Wheels with a number taped to the top and then make corresponding parking spots. We had an old lid to a file box that worked perfectly and I just used a carpet knife to cut a flap in one side so he could drive them in. Interest lasted longer than I expected on this one!

A few days later, two jumbo boxes of diapers I'd ordered from Target arrived in a box that was just begging to become a fort. Ryan asked me to cut out a door and windows and then he and I decorated it with crayons and markers.

One side turned into an ocean and he liked adding seaweed and coral and dictating the kinds of fish he wanted drawn.
Of course, he wanted to take a picture too.
After a week or so (and a sturdy roof made from a large Amazon box), the fort now lives in Ryan's room where it is full of all his stuffed animals. He's still convinced he will sleep in in someday.

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