Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ryan: 4 years, 6 months

Ryan is definitely ready for Spring! He loves anything we can do outside. He loved spending time at my parent's farm feeding the cows, looking for bugs, helping my dad load bulls, picking up trash in the ditch with the Kubota, and just generally doing "guy stuff."

He enjoyed some fun things at preschool including a Dr. Seuss Family Night and we got him signed up for 4-year-old preschool next year (he misses Kindergarten cut-off by 15 days). Inside, he's been setting up various marble runs and begging us to play the "booby-trap" game which consists of us setting up various obstacles/challenges while he tries to retrieve an object. It involves a lot of throwing bean bag chairs/blankets over him and setting up mini forts that collapse after he enters them.

Ryan has been playing well with some neighbor kids, sharing his remote-control cars, stomp rocket, sandbox and playset. We have also taken advantage of the local park on a few of our rare warm days. We are looking forward to warmer weather that sticks around!

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