Saturday, April 12, 2014

That one day when it felt like Spring

After a long winter, we had an amazingly warm day on Saturday (don't worry, we got snow the next day). With temps in the 80's, we spent almost the entire day outside. Ryan was out playing in the sandbox with Adam by 8:30am. After Adam left for football, we went to Kinderspeeland for the first time since Cohen became mobile and he loved exploring all the different tunnels, steps, and swings. We even ate our morning snack there and stayed for almost 2 hours.

We had a picnic lunch out on the deck and then while the boys took naps, Adam and I tackled taking down the Christmas lights. Yes, you can judge, but they haven't been on since Christmas Day and a time when the temps are above 40 degrees with both of us home is a rare thing in the last 3 months.

We took a family walk and then went out for supper for my upcoming birthday. What a gorgeous day!

Here are a few more pics of some outdoor time we've snuck in on the rare nice day:
Cohen's favorite thing: Chalk Throwing
You new around these parts?

Boys will be boys.

Gotta wear shades.

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