Monday, April 28, 2014

Grandma Mol

As I mentioned in a previous post, shortly after Grandpa and Grandma Mol were here for Easter, Grandma suffered a heart attack. While recovering the next day, her heart gave out and she passed away.  It was a shock since she had been in relatively good health and we had expected her to recover from the heart attack. We are grateful for the time we had gotten to spend with her recently so Ryan has fresh positive memories of her and that Adam's parents and the rest of her kids/many grandkids had the opportunity to see her in the hospital before she passed.

We headed up to the visitation (about 5 hours away) on Sunday morning and stayed for the funeral on Monday. The boys did well considering the long drive-we mostly hung out in the basement of the funeral home. Ryan took the news really well-he was very matter-of-fact about how Grandma went to heaven and got a new body and that we'll see her again when we go to heaven.

They displayed the last roll of film from Grandma's camera and this was the last picture in the book.
After a long day, the boys were ready to settle down and watch Frozen at Aunt Stacy's house. (Or Cohen didn't get the "settle down" part.)

The funeral service was very nice as we knew it would be with Adam's dad leading it. The grandchildren all got to share their favorite memories including her baking, canning, curlers, and saving everything. A few of my favorite stories were the Mol grandsons admitting how they would come in with their dirty boots and shimming on the rug all the way across the kitchen to the cookie jar and back out the door before Grandma caught them sneaking. Verlyn also talked about how if there were 3 green beans left after a meal, she would save them in the fridge. He called it the original 3-bean salad. She also gave us homemade jam and bread for Christmas and once a granddaughter discovered the jar she got was labeled 1997 (in 2013).

Cohen at the funeral lunch.
It rained the entire time and the cemetery was flooded but they had a nice break in the rain when it was time for the interment service.  We had a nice lunch and got to see many family members before heading back home.

We will miss Grandma Mol very much but are grateful for the wonderful legacy of faith she left.
Ryan as a baby

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