Sunday, May 4, 2014

Minneapolis Trip

Adam and I decided to celebrate our 10th Anniversary with a weekend trip to Minneapolis. We spent some time shopping and got to eat at many of our favorite places- Famous Dave's, PF Chang's, Panera Bread, Chipotle (without helping kids constantly, getting up from the table 10x it was like discovering what dinner could be like again!)

We also hit a Twins game on Sunday and had good seats in the 4th row between 1st base and the right fielder. We went early for batting practice and to beat the traffic and even though it was only 48 when we got there, it was a beautiful day since our seats stayed in the sun until the 7th inning. 

Our first highlight was when I won a free hat by checking in on the At the Park app.

After picking up the hat from the opposite end of the field, we decided to go all the way back to our seats. We're glad we did because Adam ended up snagging a Colabello foul ball! It was a little too high for him to catch but bounced on some empty seats behind us and he could pick it right up.

We also liked watching the hot dog vendor who made a huge production of putting the ketchup, mustard, and relish on the hot dogs. I feel like he watched that "Fish!" inspirational video one time and wanted to bring the action of the fish market to the ball park. One time he got a little too enthusiastic though and accidentally threw a bun onto the field.

We had a great time and are very grateful for our parents who took care of (and exhausted) our boys while we got a much needed night away.

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