Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summer Fun

 Ryan kept claiming that a bird was "staring at him through his window" during nap time and I have to admit I was skeptical. However, a few hours later I went and checked out his window well. We discovered this little fellow just hanging out on the ladder, staring at the window indeed. We watched him unsuccessfully try to fly out a few times and a few hours later he apparently made it out.

Cohen's favorite (and messiest) part of the backyard:

The boys loved a new little pool I picked up. Cohen didn't like sitting in it but liked splashing around the outside and throwing things in it.
Cohen loved filling up buckets in the sprinkler and then dumping the water out (sometimes in his mouth).

We went out for ice cream and played out side one night to celebrate Father's Day with Adam's parents. Cohen found a fool-proof way to win at ring-toss.

We enjoyed a grill-out and frozen yogurt at de zoete winkel with my sister's family and Ryan and Saylor posed in their new cut-outs.

One Saturday morning I woke up to find Adam and Ryan staining the playset (yes, my wonderful husband and a sleepy Cohen let me sleep until 8:00.) Ryan helped with the lower parts and then Adam finished during their naptime. It was long hot work, but looks great!

Ryan and Cohen testing out their new Twins rug for their upcoming shared bedroom. Nika is checking out her new go-to spot for nightly book reading.

We've had a great summer so far and looking forward to even more fun!

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