Saturday, October 18, 2014

Big Boy Bed

Home sick.
Sick but silly.
Cohen had a rough week starting with a fever on Monday night and being diagnosed with double ear infection on Tuesday. He continued to run a fever every night for 5 days and we each took a day off from work to stay home with him to help him rest and recover. He was super-tired and cranky most of the week and it reminded me how much we take our kids health for granted. I can't remember the last time either of them were sick enough to have to stay home or ran a fever. It didn't help that he refused to open his mouth for medicine and actually spit it back up the first night I tried to force a fever-reducer when he was red, burning skin, with a 101.5 temp on the temporal scanner.  We couldn't wait for him to start turning the corner and it ended up taking a good 8 days before he was back to himself.

Meanwhile, Adam and Ryan took a trip to Omaha for Adam's niece's baptism and they had a great time going to the zoo, staying at a hotel, and hanging out with Adam's family. I decided to stay home since my due date is only 3 weeks away and I would have had to go straight to an overnight work meeting on the way back. It ended up being the best plan since Cohen was still stick, so little buddy and I spent the whole weekend at home. It was probably nice for both boys to have some one-on-one time with a parent before their time starts being split 3 ways.

New big-boy bed
Since Ryan was gone, we thought this would be a good time to try out Cohen's new bed in Ryan's room. I started by laying down with him at nap time until he fell asleep and then slept in Ryan's bed at night to help him if he woke up. By the end of the weekend when Ryan joined him in the room, he was used to his new twin bed. I think he's enjoying all the blankets and pillows after a pretty sparse crib. The bed is very tall but he can get down at the foot of the bed and uses a plastic step thing to climb up.  I think we have a routine down now and even though he usually wakes up about once per night, it's still going better than we'd expected for being less than 2 years old.

Now, the nursery has new sheets on it, half a dresser full of baby clothes, and it pretty much ready for the newest member of our family!

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