Saturday, October 25, 2014

NWC Homecoming

Since the Dutch made the playoffs, Adam had practice on Saturday morning, so the boys and I ventured out to Morning on the Green, the carnival put on by various student groups for Northwestern's Homecoming. The boys had a fun time trying out different games and winning small prizes. It helped that it was a gorgeous fall day!


Dart gun.
 Funny note on this one. Ryan had watched several kids try (and fail) to get the darts through the pumpkin mouths. The "winners" got to pick out of a large tub of chotsky toys and if you didn't make it through, you still got a Laffy Taffy. After hitting the cardboard 3x, Ryan happily retrieved his consolation prize and then whispered to me "I tried not to get it through so I could get some candy!"

Ryan chose a lightning bolt for his face paint design. Future Harry Potter fan?
One of the few games Cohen could play and unfortunately he "caught" some bubble gum. He's 1. He also dropped the bath toy he won in the duck pond, but was pretty content with a Dum-Dum lollipop as his net gain on the day.

Football toss

Land the beanbag on the step ladder.

Always a popular stop with the college guys cheering loudly on every drop.

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