Sunday, June 28, 2009

Celebrity Death Match

My post today is about Celebrity Deaths. My post yesterday was about infomercials. Is it a little freaky that Billy Mays, the most famous infomercial pitchman died today? I'm wondering if MTV will be running Mighty Mend-it, Orange Glo, OxiClean, and Mighty Putty commercials in between their MJ videos. I mean, if you're going to pay tribute to an icon, you better be all-inclusive.

Anyway, after this week's higher-than average number of celebrity deaths, my boss decided to hold a trivia contest. We do these contests periodically to get the brain juices flowing and so she can rid herself of prizes/junk from her office drawers. She gave us a list of 7 celebs and we had to guess how old they were when they died. Here's the quiz and answers:

  1. Elvis-42
  2. Farrah Fawcett-62
  3. Marilyn Monroe-36
  4. JFK-46
  5. Anna Nicole Smith-39
  6. Richard Nixon-81
  7. Bonus question asking the character names of all 3 original Charlie's Angels-Sabrina, Jill, Kelly. Unfortunately, all 5 of us contestants are 32 or younger, so no one had even a clue.
After the first round, co-worker J and I were tied, having both earned 3 points (for being the closest to the actual age on 3 people). The only one I got completely correct was Nixon. Is it that obvious that I'm a red-blooded Republican? Not foreseeing this possibility, my boss retreated to her office to come up with a tie-breaker round we dubbed "Sudden Death". Empathy and tact are not our strong points.

The first question was Jim Morrison-27. I was a few years off, so J took that one. I redeemed myself on #2, though, when I got Heath Ledger exactly correct at 28. So now we're tied 1-1. #3 was Brad Renfo. Neither of us had any clue who he was, when he died or even if he was 20 or 80, so we mutually agreed to throw that one out. So it all came down to the final question. And who was it?

(Or Two-Pack Shaker as my 50-yr-old boss pronounced it before being corrected by S).

J guessed 33. I guessed 27. And the answer is....25!

Here is your prize, coming to a White Elephant Christmas Gift Exchange near you!

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