Monday, August 31, 2009

36 Weeks and I feel like a fire truck.

Big, red, and everyone sees me coming!

Everyone said the last few weeks would be the hardest and I think I'm starting to believe them. It's starting to sink in that I could be a mom in less than a month! I'm trying hard not to get too anxious, but started thinking that I might need to be a little more prepared in case I go early. I don't think I'll ever be ready work-wise, but could at least get a few more things squared away at home.

I did a little more shopping on Saturday and finally decided on a black bookshelf to put next to the glider in the nursery. Incidentally, this was only $24 in store, not $39 like it says online. My co-worker and I were just discussing how different the prices are online compared to in-store and I'm finding lots of examples! Check the store first before you order online and have it shipped to the store "free"! The bookshelf holds my orange totes, our new CD player, some books, and provides a surface next to the changing table for wipes, etc. I also took my sister's advice and went for the mini dome touch lamp from Walmart because she highly recommends being able to turn on the light hands-free and it's not too bright to wake the daylights out of the baby.

It was fun showing the nursery to my mom and sister this Sunday while DH went fishing with my dad and BIL. We also took the dogs for a nice long walk. I am LOVING the weather lately and enjoy sleeping in about a 63 degree house. It's getting harder to get up from sitting or laying down and my fingers are super-stiff in the morning with sore forearms by mid-day. I have continued to struggle with heartburn but I am not looking for sympathy (nor will I get any since I had chili for supper and just finished off an ice cream cone).
One of the last details I'm looking for is a cool mobile that doesn't clash with the rest of the room. I haven't seen anything in stores but a check of ebay came up with a few fun ideas. This one is quite nostalgic for both DH and me: Vintage Fisher Price Mobile. When I looked for something black and white, I was hoping for something modern, but instead found this doozy of a "don't": Polka Dot Skirts on Bears. I was excited to find a super-cool modern one made in Denmark called Flensted Mobile Black Rhythm, but the $379.99 price tag may be a bit over the top. Although I'm not really down with the baby animals, this Musical Mobile Elephant Giraffe one might actually have some potential color-wise. Have you seen any cool mobiles that would match a black/white/orange/brown/olive/Four Seasons theme? I'm open to suggestions!
Well, it's getting late (did I really just say 9:50 was late?) and since I stayed up watching America's Best Dance Crew last night, I think I'll get ready to head for bed.

And/or watch show choir videos on YouTube until Ultimate Cake Off is over.
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1 comment:

  1. You look fabulous and don't let anyone tell you differently!! I am excited for you guys...any names picked out for boys or girls???? the done good!!
