Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Passing Time and New Perspective

A few people have been asking me how I've been passing the time at home while we wait for Baby Boone to arrive. Although I don't have as much energy as I'd like, I have been able to check a few things off the list. And by list, yes I do mean I brought my daily planner home from work and make a "To-Do" list each day, just like I did at work. I get great pleasure in crossing things off my list and have been tempted to actually write down "take a nap" and "watch Ellen" just so I can cross it off. A friend with a 1-year-old told me that on her time home before her baby arrived, she almost ran out of Windex and resorted to alphabetizing her DVD collection. Maybe by next Monday...

This Monday I ran some errands in town picking up some baby supplies from friends and also got some of the cleaning done that I had put off from the weekend. I also did the laundry so I could actually pack some things for the hospital and have all the sheets and everything ready for the baby. We also made it to coronation at the High School.

Yesterday after my doctor's appointment I made a big trip to Walmart for storage containers, batteries for baby gear, and misc. cleaning and hygiene items since I don't expect to make a trip there for a few weeks. Just shopping and putting everything away wore me out, but I was able to try to sleep in the afternoon (didn't work) and actually took Nika for a short walk. I skipped my board meeting because I didn't want to be driving by myself (in the middle of nowhere an hour away) in case something got started. DH had a JH football game in West Lyon but was home in time to see the Twins lose (boo!).

Today I did some more cooking and worked on paying bills, balancing the checkbook, and entering our budget on the computer. Not a fun task but I feel better knowing where we are at. It will be interesting figuring out how to cover these 11 weeks of unpaid maternity, but I am confident we will get it to work out with the combination of insurance payouts and savings. It's just hard for me to adjust to a bit of uncertainty when I am used to regular paychecks.

My perspective on being anxious for the baby to arrive has changed as I've learned about a High School friend who is currently in the hospital struggling with her own pregnancy. She is having some major complications to her own health and at only 24 weeks, this puts her baby in jeopardy also. We are praying hard that she will get stronger each day and will be able to hang on for several more weeks to deliver, even though this will probably mean bedrest. I know Heather, her husband, their baby boy, and their families would appreciate everyone's prayers.

Her situtation has made me realize that we have been SUPER-BLESSED to have had an uncomplicated pregnancy and someone reminded me yesterday that going past my due date just means I haven't had any trouble with the baby that would cause them to try to take it earlier. So, I am thankful for being able to carry my baby to full term and that I am still able to do things around the house.

Tonight predicts to be another rousing night in the recliner since "So You Think You Can Dance" and "Glee" are both on. We'll try to enjoy one more night of peace and quiet at home!

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