Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday Night Lights

On Friday, Aunt Abbie and Uncle Wade came to visit after school before the BHRV vs. S-0 football game. We enjoyed some pizza together but Ryan was pretty sleepy the whole time. As predicted, he woke up right after they left for the game.  The weather was not great for sitting outside. Adam was in full rain gear to take stats because being warm and dry far outweighs fashion these days (and most days) for him. He was tempted to wear his camo hunting jacket and boots, but decided to go with the more neutral gray. That's my fashionista for you. Straight off a catalog page (if you consider Cabela's to be a fashion mag, which we do).

At halftime, Abbie decided the weather was not as fun as holding Ryan, so she came back to the house and brought one of my coworkers with her! It was fun showing the house and baby to Maria and catching up on work news and then spending time with my sister the rest of the night.

Luckily, Ryan was a little more awake for Abbie during the second half and stayed awake to say hi to Wade when he came back after the game. Unfortunately, his orange jacket didn't bring much luck to the home team as they lost to the Nighthawks 42-0. After they left, Ryan was wide awake until about 1:00am but thankfully Adam stayed up with him this time while I got some sleep. I like weekends! :)

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