Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mail Call

Confession time. We are bad at getting the mail. Granted, it is only across the street and it shouldn't be that hard to just pick it up, but we tend to go weeks days at a time without emptying the mailbox. We used to blame it on our neighbors parkin their cars in front of the box, but now that they (and 3 of their vehicles) have moved away, there is really no excuse. Today I witnessed the mailman bringing a package to our garage and then spend over 3 minutes struggling to fit the rest of our mail in the box. Feeling bad, I went out and retrieved the load after lunch. I really should have taken a picture of the stuffed mailbox, complete with a giant envelope folded in half. I think the mailman figured the "DO NOT BEND" printed on the outside of the envelope had an expiration date. Like, if these people can't empty their mailbox after 5 days, you are allowed to jam everything in there the best way you know how. I can't blame him.

Almost two hours later, all the mail had been dealt with. Bills were paid, grocery ads were evaluated, free samples were stashed, greeting cards were opened, medical flex receipts were filed, ROTH IRA statement caused a double-take (could it actually be UP that much this quarter?), and the offer for a free Ducks Unlimited fleece jacket with a $35  now only $25 suggested donation was strategically filed in the round bin beneath the sink (sorry, Adam). I thought we were almost done with the free address labels he got last year that remind him every time he sends a letter that he has a mean wife who won't let him get a lab.

Well, guess what we got a fresh supply of today? Yep, address labels with pictures of labs (and ducks). I wanted to post a picture, but I'm pretty sure posting a picture of an actual address label breaks a cardinal rule when it comes to internet safety.

So, instead I'll post an "after" picture of our mailbox. Won't the mailman be surprised tomorrow when instead of being greeted with a small box jammed to within an inch of its life, he'll see this neat stack of payments, birthday cards, and thank-you notes? Happy Wednesday, Mailman! See you again soon (next Wednesday for sure). I promise.

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