Saturday, October 31, 2009

Welcome Back to My Life, Fareway!

On Friday, we took advantage of Aunt Kim's offer to babysit and spent the evening in Wo-town. Ryan did great for Kim and we are so thankful for her! We met some friends for supper at Ground Round and had a really nice time. Then, we visited the brand new Fareway store that opened this week across from Walmart. *Aaaaaaa!* (How do you type the sound that a choir of angels makes as it shines light down on earth?)  The store is excellent, as are the prices. It is a lot bigger than Sheldon and has a much better freezer section. However, we discovered it does not use the same flyer as the Sheldon store so a few things I thought were going to be on sale weren't. But generally, it was amazing being able to buy produce and other items at completely reasonable prices. I'll still end up frequenting the Sheldon location more often since it is on my way home from work, but it is super-convenient to have one available in Worthington also where we do our weekend and Walmart shopping. Dear, dear wallet bids you warm welcome and many carts to come.


  1. take the sheldon ad in with you the next time, generally most fareways match other fareway ads

  2. You can view the different local ads on the Fareway website. I heard a rumor once that they're thinking of building a new Fareway in Waverly to replace the teeny-tiny, run-down old-school version. I can't wait!!!
