Friday, November 27, 2009

Good Things Come in Small Packages

For the first (and he claims last) time in his life, Adam braved the Black Friday crowds, leaving at 4:30am to join the crazies in Sioux Falls. To my delight, his mom volunteered to accompany him so I got stay home snug in my bed until a much more decent hour. Adam scored his intended purchase and got a few more things crossed off our Christmas shopping list. When he returned home around 10am, he brought me this beautiful package:

In it was a little slice of heaven. If you have never experienced the delight of a Cinnamon Crunch bagel with Hazelnut cream cheese from Panera Bread, then you are missing out on one of life's greatest pleasures. Truly, good things come in small packages.

Apparently, they also come in large packages.

It probably goes without saying, but this picture shows Adam taking down the old TV, not putting up the new one.  Here's a little more perspective on the kind of switch we are talking about here:

I am happy to say we can now successfully read both the TV Guide channel and the sports scores (impossible from 15' away on our old 27" TV). We are enjoying the new HD channels and larger format, although I can almost say I enjoyed the bagel just as much. After all, the TV doesn't provide half your daily allotment of calories in one small circle of cinnamon and carbs.

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