Sunday, November 1, 2009

One Month Old

One Month Ryan
Today I am one month old! Mom and Dad can hardly believe how big I've grown! Today I outgrew my infant head support in my car seat and my cheeks and belly are really starting to fill out. Dad makes fun of my chubby arms sometimes too. I am eating a lot and sleeping fairly well. I'm getting more used to my baths but still don't go to bed until two or three hours later. Sometimes I am sleeping for four hours at a time at night, so that is an improvement! I love my bouncy seat and sometimes like my swing, but not always. I am also getting more used to tummy time on the playmat and when I'm on my back, I can bat at the rings hanging down, even if I don't know what I'm doing.
I was really excited that the weather was so nice today so our whole family could go for a walk together. I smile when I am falling asleep and sometimes when I am awake. I can see a little farther and follow toys that make noise from left to right. When I am awake, it looks like I am taking in the world and observing everything that's going on.
I bring great joy to my Mom and Dad and everyone who sees me says "My, he is growing" and "Look at all that hair". That's a good way to sum up the month--I am growing big and my hair is still CrAzY!
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