Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday Night

Sunday night we had a small group social to say good-bye to our good friends who are moving to central Iowa. Dr. K delivered Ryan and him and his wife started the first small group with us. We decided to call Uncle Andy and Aunt Kim to watch Ryan so we could enjoy being with the other adults without having to sneak off to feed Ryan or attend to his needs. It was a nice evening with good food and even better humor. We will miss re-hashing the best lines from The Office with J and comparing notes on show choir with H. We wish them the best of luck as they move their family but we will miss them a lot!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, thanks, Courtney! I'm just finally catching up on your blog. I haven't had internet access at home until this weekend! That can sure make a girl go crazy!
