Friday, December 4, 2009

All I Want for Christmas is my photos picked out, ordered, addressed, and sent

Which picture do you think we should use on our Christmas card? I am not a good photographer, so none of them are super high quality, but I am planning to use one picture from Southern Belle Portraiture's photo shoot and then one Christmasy one.  Any votes?

Here's the one I want to use from Hayley:

Green Pajamas #1:

Green Pajamas #2:

Fleece #1:

Fleece #2:

Wow, when I post those together, I can totally see how poor quality my shots are! I really need to read the instruction manual to my camera and see if I can improve that a little. Oh well, it will be a small picture if I put more than one on the card, so still tell me which one you like best. Thanks! For those of you with access to my Winkflash folders, there are tons more in the 2009 December folder which is now shared.


  1. I'm so far behind on reading blogs and sending Christmas cards. I would vote for Fleece #1 if you haven't ordered already. Mine arrived 2 weeks ago and I've decided I quite dislike them--the layout and the pictures. It's a little too late now, though. I finally printed off the letter yesterday and now have to address and stuff and seal and stamp. If I'm lucky I'll get them out the door by the end of the week. :op

  2. I also vote for Fleece #1... so cute!
