Thursday, December 24, 2009

Change of Plans

The weather has been seriously cramping my style lately but we have been trying to make the best of it. Monday night I stayed around after work because I had to finish teaching a show choir song at 6:00.  It started raining ice chunks in Hometown and snowing heavily at home, so Ryan and I decided to hunker down and spend the night at my parents. I didn't work Tuesday as it was my last scheduled day off for maternity leave, so he and I headed home at noon and spent the afternoon wrapping presents and packing for the impending snowstorm. We tried to plan ahead as best we could to make sure I could be at work both Wednesday and Thursday. So, Wednesday morning Ryan went to my mom's and I went to work. Adam spent the morning running errands and cleaning the house before heading to Hometown with Nika after lunch in order to beat the snow. Since I was staying overnight in order to make sure I could work on Thursday, I didn't go home when all the "out of towners" left early. Finally a little before 5, they decided we were going to be closed on Thursday and I wasn't allowed to come into work even if the roads were fine...I would have to take an unpaid day or dip into next year's vacation. Terrific. By that time it was snowing and blowing too hard to go home, so Adam, Ryan and I spent the night at his parents.

It was a nice time spending the evening together and Ryan got to spend some quality time with Grandpa and Grandma Boone. He also slept great (12 hours) even in an unfamiliar crib. Adam and his parents got up early to scoop, but I was blessed with being able to sleep in! Merry Christmas Eve to me! It was perfectly fine out at 8 so it would have been no problem to drive the 3 blocks to work, but I guess it wasn't my call, so I decided I better change my attitude and think of it as a blessing to be able to spend the day with my husband, son, and in-laws instead of at work. We had a good morning and agonized over whether to just stay in town for the rest of the week or make a run for it before it got bad out again. Since our 3 family events that were scheduled for Thurs/Fri. got rescheduled and the weathermen keep extending the blizzard later and later, we decided if we didn't leave this afternoon, it would probably be Sunday before we could go home again. We could have made it work because we packed a lot, but I wasn't sure it was best to spend 5 nights away from home, getting absolutely nothing done at home, and imposing on others for food and shelter (even though they wouldn't mind).

The roads were pretty much fine at 2:00 (when I would have been coming home from work anyway) and we were surprised to find someone had blown out our driveway for us (Thanks, neighbor!) Adam did a little more blowing on the sidewalks just to get ahead of the additional snow we are expecting.

I'm still not sure we made the right decision because I was looking forward to spending time with our parents and siblings, but now that I'm home I will just have to live with it because from the looks of it we will be here for a while. Hopefully I will get some things done that I have been putting off and we will try to have a nice Christmas, just the three of us.

I'm just glad my little snow bunny is safe and warm and his first Christmas will be one to remember!

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