Thursday, December 3, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, but then I'm parking next to the door

First snowfall of the month today, and Ryan looks like he's enjoying it. I was not thrilled since I had saved many errands until today. Only people familiar with the town I live in will appreciate this, but my errands to Dollar General, the grocery store, the pharmacy, and the library caused me to park in 3 different places. These businesses are all less than a block apart and I normally park in the middle and walk anywhere downtown I need to go. But today it was snowing and slick out, so in order to carry my purse, library books, and Ryan in the carrier covered up from the wind and snow, I needed the shortest distance possible from the car to the door. I did accomplish most of what was on my list and he again slept like a dream through the whole thing. I definitely notice his naps getting shorter as he gets older, but he's still doing fairly well overnight. I find if he gets to bed at a decent early time, he'll sleep about 6 hours and then want to eat around 4, but will go back to bed for 4 hours after that. If he goes to bed late, he may sleep 8 hours straight, but could be up for the day afterwards. Either way, I'm not complaining. 

In some ways, I feel like today was the end of my maternity leave since I have to go into work and then "work" at the Gingerbread House contest tomorrow afternoon/evening and Saturday. I still have a few Tuesdays and Thursdays off in the next 2 weeks but Monday is the first "official" day back to the grindstone (i.e. the first day I am getting paid to work since September.) People ask me how I feel about it, but I just say I am choosing to be okay with it. I don't have a choice about working but I do have a choice of my attitude towards it, so I might as well strive to make it positive, right? That may be a challenge if the snow and icy roads keep up, but I've made it through many winters commuting before, so I know I can do it again. Let's just pray for a mild winter!


  1. Way to have a positive attitude about returning to work! Going back to work was really hard for me at first, but like you, I don't have a choice in the matter, so I do my best to stay positive about it and keep hoping something different will work out in the future. Thankfully, Genevieve is always with my hubby or MIL, which makes me feel much better! I hope the transition goes smoothly for you!


  2. I can sympathize b/c I left errands until it started snowing, too. I just stalled another day and made Austin go get the prescriptions at Walgreens, which didn't occur until 8:00pm and was an adventure in and of itself.

    Have you figured out your childcare situation yet?

  3. Thanks Karena! You are lucky to have your MIL available! My mom is going to watch Ryan 2 days a week in Hull. Megan-we are bringing him to Bright Beginnings the other 3 days. I have also decided to be okay with that too and there are actually a lot of positives to having him there vs. in-home. I'll blog about it sometime...once I recover from Winterfest.
