Saturday, December 19, 2009

Office Party

"Office Party" to most people means a gathering of your co-workers, but to us it means a gathering of people to watch The Office and/or play The Office trivia games. Our friends, the W's are avid Office fans and they came over on Saturday night with their season 2-5 DVDs. After some excellent homemade pizza, we decided to watch some Season 5 episodes instead of playing the trivia game because last time Adam was still stuck in the green office with Michael while the rest of us had collected almost all of our Dundy awards. It was time for him to brush up on some important facts such as "What is the name of the cake Andy requested when Jim decided to combine all birthdays into one party?" Answer: Fudgie the whale.

It was their daughter Allison's first birthday on Saturday and she seems to be comparing her relative petiteness to the solid (although sitting) stature of our son. She goes to the same daycare as Ryan, although they'll probably be in different rooms now that she is walking, but we are hoping they will become friends. Maybe they'll even be the next Jim and Pam (JAM), although we may need to find a new name-combo because RYLLISON doesn't really roll of the tongue and people might be confused if we start calling them ALAN.

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