Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Two Months Old

I am two months old! I have been growing and changing every day. I love to smile and show the little dimple in my chin. My cheeks have been growing steadily and many people comment on how irresistible it is to pinch them. My belly, arms, and legs are also growing and growing and growing. My eyes are still pretty blue and my hair still has a mind of its own, although it is getting a little lighter. I am growing out of a lot of my clothes and love all the new 3-month and 3-6 month clothes I get to wear now. I look like such a big boy when I wear my jeans and other big-boy pants!  I am more aware of my surroundings now that I can see farther, but I am also more aware of sudden movements and noises that startle me (like a barking dog that lives in my house and thinks she has to bark at every moving object-real or imagined). Mom has found a few tricks of how to get me to sleep including a new-found love for sleeping on people's shoulders and getting bounced/jiggled to sleep on her knee. I look like a funny monkey with drooping eyelids while she holds me on her knee, but whatever works, right? I have been sleeping GREAT for the past 2 weeks, giving mom 7 to 8-hour stretches at night and maybe a few naps during the day. I recently started kicking my feet a lot and can punch and kick the toys hanging from my playmat. I am generally a delight to be around and am working hard on charming everyone I meet!

Note: November pictures will be uploaded to winkflash by Thursday morning, for those of you who are my "friends" on winkflash. If you'd like access to my full collection of photos by month, set up an account on winkflash.com and then let me know your user name and email so I can add you.

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