Sunday, January 24, 2010


Ryan was baptized at our church this morning and he did great! He didn't fuss through the baptism, fell asleep for the sermon (we'll have to kid Pastor G about that), loved listening to the little kids sing, and was all smiles when we greeted people afterwards.

Adam's dad conducted the baptism at our church (Thanks FRC, Hull for loaning him out this Sunday! My dad was the attending elder. It was so nice to have family involved and attending this special day.

My parents, sister and BIL, and 2 grandparents made the trip from Hometown for the service.

This is Adam's family (...dun, dun, dun, dun. *snap* *snap*). Sorry, I always wonder if people sing that in their head every time I say "Adam's family." Maybe I'm the only one!

And I have to include this picture because it has never been so obvious how short my family is (on the left). Please note I am wearing high heels and the tall kid in the back married into this height-challenged crew. Now you know why it is hard to get Adam in the picture sometimes we take family photos.

After church, we all headed to our house for brunch and cake. I think Ryan liked the cake, even though he didn't get to eat any.

Happy Baptism, Ryan!

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