Saturday, January 16, 2010

Little Helper

Saturday is always a big cooking/baking day for me, and this was no exception.  A double batch of chili, homemade caramel rolls (using Blue Bunny Cinnamon Ice Cream in the topping), cheesy potatoes for the freezer, potato/ham casserole ready to bake on Sunday, and some fresh chocolate chip cookies later, the kitchen was a mess, but was mostly put back together by the time Adam got home from ice fishing! It is best he doesn't see the "in process" mess, especially since he worked hard cleaning the kitchen on Friday night.

Inspired by my niece being a Big Helper to my sister, I decided maybe it was time for Ryan to start pulling his own weight in the kitchen. So, here's my Little Helper:

He's about as messy as his mommy!

1 comment:

  1. Ryan has a ways to go yet, although I'm pretty sure Emily makes a bigger mess! ;o)
