Sunday, February 28, 2010

Family Farming Tradition

I come from a long line of farmers (my dad still farms) and Adam's parents both grew up on farms. In this part of the country, it's hard not to have some sort of tie to argriculture and I'm excited Ryan will have the chance to play on a real farm and see where our milk comes from!
In addition to my growing up with the real thing, I also played farm with my sisters at home. We had a Fisher Price farm set and I loved opening the barn doors that "moo", putting the rooster in the haymow, and storing the fences in the silo.  I have a vivid memory of also catching crickets in our basement and storing them in the silo, but that's getting off the subject. Adam also grew up playing farm and had a giant wooden barn. He'd "disk" the carpet, making lines in it for rows and loved his toy tractors and animals. Since both of our parents still have those farm sets, I think Ryan might get a chance to play farm too!

To get him started in this family farm tradition, he got an iplay Funtime toy tractor from Great Grandma B this Christmas. When you press the animals down, they make their "sound" and the Farmer plays Old McDonald.  Ryan does get a little confused because we'll press an animal down in the wagon, but the speakers are in the tractor, so then he'll look at the tractor to see where the sound is coming from, but it does keep his interest for a while.
It's a hard toy to play with laying down (see first picture), but it's perfect to set in front of him to help him balance sitting up!

Farmer Ryan likes his tractor! Thanks, Great-Grandma!

1 comment:

  1. Remember when we caught like 30 crickets one day and then let them go...back in the basement? I'll never forget that.

    Lincoln (& Emily) love the tractor set, too! Ryan will have even more fun with it as he can sit independently and gets mobile.
