Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

New format when I don't have anything too exciting to say: I'll give you one good things that happened, one bad thing that happened, and then one ugly thing that is completely random and puts the "what?" in "Uuhh...what?"

The Good: My tax appointment on Tuesday was swift and in the words of our accountant, we "made out like a bandit this year." Having a baby, a home based business, graduate school tuition, school expenses, and a new hot water heater all paid off this year! I'm changing my witholdings so I don't end up lending money to the government all next year, but for this year, it's nice to get a chunk of change to pay off grad school!

The Bad: After my tax appointment I stopped in at a second hand store and was SHOCKED at how high the prices were! Really, now, $6.50-$7.50 for 6 month one piece play clothes, some of them stained or torn? Everything was so overpriced, you could just about buy it new for that! I can't wait until garage sale season starts!

The Ugly:

The Good: Not only did Ryan get to spend the day with Grandma today, but he also got to visit with Great Grandpa VK and Great Grandma B! I love having family around and appreciate Ryan being able to know his grandparents, great grandparents, and aunts and uncles!

The Bad: I seem to be allergic to temperatures above 30 degrees or the sun (neither of which we've seen in the last 90 days) as I've really been struggling with allergies the past few days--itchy eyes, runny nose, scratchy throat, always thirsty, really tired...I got some medicine but it makes me so tired it is hard to take it at work or before driving.

The Ugly:

The Good: We got our carpets cleaned today! Nothing beats that feeling on your feet!

The Bad: I promised myself I'd be in bed by 10 and it is currently 10:09. So, I leave you with...

The Ugly:

1 comment:

  1. Hey thought I'd comment on your allergies. I have them pretty bad too and Claratin makes me very drowsy - even the "non-drowsy."

    I LOVE the generic brand at Wal-Mart. It works miracles for me and I seem to have worse allergies here than up north. These might be worth a shot for ya and for the dirt cheap price, it's worth a shot!

    Equate 24 hour Non-Drowsy Allergy Relief. 10 tablets are like $2.34. Helps with Sneezing, Runny Nose, Itchy/Watery Eyes and Itchy Throat or Nose. Says they're the same ingredients as Claratin, but they don't make me sleepy at all. Good luck!
