Monday, March 8, 2010

Lil' Buddy Debut

The newest video added to the video player at the bottom of the page is actually Lil' Buddy's new single, just dropped today.  He laid out some innovative voice work, including some improve "whiny whinies"and some beat-droppin' "ehhhs" and "ahhhs". The track was mixed by DJ Poppa Boo. Not yet available on itunes, but if you want to just send 99-cents our way, maybe Buddy can actually go to college somewhere other than National American University or ITT Tech*.

This is what happens when you leave Dad and Buddy Boy alone on a Saturday and Dad just got a new version of Garage Band.

*credits are unlikely to transfer

1 comment:

  1. I heard about the "record deal" from DJ Pappa Boo on Sunday - glad you added it to your blog! :) I miss seeing you and talking to you - but definitely enjoy your blog! Take care!
