Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bath Toys

Yesterday I had to bite the bullet and make a trip to Walmart for some much-needed baby supplies. Since Ryan spends Wednesdays at Grandma's, he had the unfortunate fate of accompanying me on the dreaded errand. And he was an angel. For reals! He was a trooper, smiling and looking around from his carseat while I stuffed all sorts of rice cereal, baby food, kleenex, diapers, Shout, and the like around him inside the cart. Note to the designers of shopping carts: what good does the "shelf" on the bottom of the cart do if it has no edges and slopes up so you can't carry things like milk jugs or more than one box of diapers? Also, why do you make one wheel cock-eyed and droiny on all carts? At least all carts that I choose. Or my mom chooses. I think I inherited the droiny wheel magnetism gene. Look it up, it's a crucial part of your DNA.

Like any good mom, I pulled out the bribe card and promised that if we got through the trip without any screaming, crying, or throwing things on the floor, we could get a special treat. And since I made it through the shopping trip without doing any of those things, I got to pick out a special toy!

Ryan had a slight meltdown shortly after leaving Sioux Center and I pulled into the Newkirk church parking lot to soothe him. And almost ran into a car coming in from the other direction. Seriously...let's calculate the chances of two cars pulling into the Newkirk church parking lot at the exact same time during the late evening on a weekday?  I mean, what are the chances of two cars being in Newkirk at the same time, ever?  Slightly less than zero. Anyway, I narrowly avoided a collision and decided to give Ryan a Mum-Mum rice rusk to entertain him. Classic rookie mom, but even though it turned to mush in his hands  (and bib, face, shirt and carseat) it was worth soothing him until Hospers. A pull-off near Ritter resulted in another Mum-Mum, even after seeing the first mess. But what do you do when your kid is just "sot" of the carseat he's been strapped into for 2 hours and you are still 40 minutes from home?  I also just realized this paragraph is like a "tour of dinky towns" but it wasn't complete since I did not go through Middleburg. But I could have.

In the rush to get him fed, bathed, and to bed last night, I forgot about pulling out his new toy, so tonight he got to enjoy his new bath bobbers, strainers, and squirters. He loved them! But from the looks of these pictures, he may have to lay off the rusks.


  1. Welcome to the man-boob club, Ryan.

  2. And the curling mousse. ;o)

    I laughed all the way through this post and the food one. Yay for eating more than rice cereal and Mum-mums!

  3. P.S. That is one of the reasons why I bought diapers from I got sick of boxes sliding off the bottom of the cart--especially in the parking lot. However, I'm now using Up&Up (Target brand) diapers, so we're back to the cart. :op
