Thursday, April 8, 2010

Family Afternoon

Since Adam had a meeting after school, I left work early to bring Ryan to his appointment. When I went to pick him up from daycare, the director stopped me and questioned who I was. We had never met, since Adam always does drop-off and pick-up! I was glad they stopped me, though, because they don't let just anyone come in and walk off with a kid :). It was fun seeing Ryan's huge grin when I walked in his room and I liked meeting the teachers and seeing where he spends 3 days a week.

After his appointments and Adam's meetings we took advantage of the weather and went for a stroller ride/dog walk. Since Ryan's doing such a good job sitting up, we thought he might enjoy the front of the stroller instead of riding in the car seat facing backwards. I imagined he would like to see the sky, the sun, the new green grass, the boys playing baseball in the park, the dogs walking by...

Turns out he was a little more interested in viewing the inside of his eyelids.
Afterwards, we grilled and played with Ryan. He sure loves playing with his daddy! I really enjoyed getting to spend some quality family time this afternoon and it makes me excited for weekends this Spring and Summer!

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