Monday, April 19, 2010


We have never been able to get a good picture of all 3 grandkids with Grandpa and Grandma...everyone looking at the camera, not hiding their face, and not crying is a challenge (especially for Grandpa...haha j/k). We attempted yet again this weekend with 2 cameras flashing and at least 3 adults saying "Lincoln! Ryan! Look here, honey! Emily, hands on your knees! Lincoln, not so cheesy! It's okay, Ryan, don't cry! Ryan, why are you crying? Emily, put your hands down!" All while Lincoln is cheesing for the camera, Emily is vocally holding out the word "CHEEEEEESE" and Ryan is either crying or on the verge of. Good times. I think this is the reason Photoshop was invented. Alas, all I have is Picasa, so this is the best we've got:

Okay, there is one more photo, but try as I might to upload it, Blogger keeps uploading a totally different picture. Maybe some other time. For those of you sharing my Winkflash folders, I will start uploading the April folder!

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